Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ED Video and Final Pictures

Here's a little video of Elias in his 60 meter race. The filming isn't the best, but it's still fun to watch. I only wish you could see the smile on Elias' face when he gets halfway down the track and sees his daddy cheering at the end. Chase cries everytime he thinks about it. :-)

Softball Throw Competition

Another Ethiopian at the Games!

We are so thankful to Chase's employer, Orthotic and Prosthetic Technologies, who not only gave Chase the time off to attend the Endeavor Games, but also sponsored Elias in the Games and even made special shirts just for us!


Anonymous said...

Is it blogstalking if you tell me about your blog? I had a quiet moment this afternoon and thought I'd check out your blog. Unbelievable! I can't get over your precious son and how remarkable the story of your family is. I'll have to read through the archive and catch up, but I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed seeing the last few posts. The Endeavor games sound so cool! We are so grateful to have found you guys and look forward to working together on our new projects. See you soon!

Jessica G.

Anonymous said...

I have checked out your blog a few times and I know you are wanting another child who is missing a limb and are waiting for that to happen. The agency I adopted from just got a 2 year old boy yesterday with no arms. Please email me if this is of interest to you...
Susan Googins

Tracy said...

Go Elias!

Meagan, he is just so handsome! I'm so glad Angie gave me your blog address!

My husband and I are in the process of adopting from Ethiopia! It's such an exciting adventure!

Essentially Heather said...

send me an invite so I can see Elias run!

Rachel said...

hi, its your blog stalker (: i love your posts about the endeavor games, so touching! it was great seeing you guys when you were in NY!