Friday, March 26, 2010

Letter to an amputee child in Haiti is doing a spotlight on the amputees in Haiti. They have a special section of their website where they are following the stories of amputees in Haiti as they seek treatment and get their first prosthetic limbs.

A reporter contacted us last week and asked if Elias would be interested in writing a letter to a 4-year-old boy who is getting his first prosthetic leg this week. I sat down with Elias and showed him pictures of Schneily and asked if he could tell me a few things to write in a letter to him.

Elias said some of the sweetest things, all with no prompting from me.

His letter is on the msnbc website today: Dear Schneily, I'll be your friend

It warms my heart to know that Elias was an encouragement to this family who is enduring so much right now!


joanna said...

Meagan - what absolutely wonderful words Elias shared! How precious is his sweet heart and what an encouragement he will be to others who are 'just like him' His letter also speaks volumes about your parenting!!! I love your family!

Anonymous said...

I've been following that series on and thinking of you guys. What a precious and heartfelt letter! I love the self-confidence and desire to help others that you have instilled in him and that he uses to bless so many others!

Jessica G.

Caren said...

What a sweet letter from a sweet boy. I love the picture, too. That totally captures the Elias I know! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet kid! Loved his letter - it made me cry!

Anonymous said...

I'm so touch by his words and kindness!!! Great job!!!!


cindy said...

What a lovely letter. You and Chase are raising a wonderful little boy!

Danielle Hyde said...

I think of Elias often, and continue to feel very proud to have known him (and you).

Anonymous said...

awesome!!!!!!!! Great job with Elias you guys!
Karen Teoli

Carrie said...

Hi Meagan,

My husband, Chris, saw the article and recognized Elias. So cool - what a great kid you have. I know his words will mean a lot to others. Thought I'd check in and see if you were back to blogging. So glad to see you are :) We are praying for Chase...

Carrie in Oregon